16 ways to burn belly fat naturally and quickly!

The belly is one of the most difficult parts of the body to lose weight ... However, some tips can help you get rid of abdominal fat. Here are the most effective tips for firming your belly.

1. Do aerobics!

Aerobics is a cardio exercise to adopt if you want to burn more fat, especially in the stomach. Remember that a 30-minute aerobics session helps you lose about 400 calories!

2. The walk

Doing long walks, alone or with a girlfriend, will help you lose belly! While walking, the body spends energy by burning stored fats in its different parts, including the belly. And do not be fooled by popular beliefs: according to Stéphane Cascua, a sports doctor, walking can burn 45% of fats compared to 25% by running.

3. Order first
At the restaurant, place your order first ... This tip will allow you to calm your hunger, not to throw on the amuse-bouche and avoid overeating after long minutes of waiting.

4. Consume fiber
Fibers are a good slimming ally! They prevent constipation, facilitate intestinal transit and promote a feeling of fullness, which helps to lose weight and burn belly fat. Choose cereals, fruits, vegetables and legumes.

5. The vacuum during the household
You can do the vacuum exercise while you clean, it's a great workout for your belly. Here's how to perform the exercise. :
· Exhale the air from your lungs.
· Inflate your chest and tuck your belly as much as possible.
· Hold this position as long as you can.
· Repeat the exercise.
You will burn more fat and you will have a slimmer waistline!

6. Make abs
Lie on your back, keep your shoulders straight, palms on the floor and arms outstretched. Lift your legs and bend your knees at a 90-degree angle. Stretch your right leg without touching the floor, then return to the original position. Do 20 repetitions for each leg.
This exercise helps firm and strengthen the abdominal area and burn fat belly.

7. Eat avocados!
Avocado is very rich in minerals, vitamins, antioxidants and monounsaturated fatty acids with many health benefits. This fruit limits the peaks of sugar in the blood that often lead to a build up of fat in the belly. In addition, the lawyer helps improve your overall health.

8. Beware of salt
High salt intake leads to water retention in body tissues, resulting in weight gain and swelling in some parts of the body. Avoid eating too much salt.

9. Avoid alcohol consumption
Alcohol increases your levels of cortisol, a hormone known as the stress hormone, which can lead to the storage of abdominal fat. You can lose belly fat and burn more calories by choosing healthy drinks such as water, juices and smoothies.

10. Do not consume any more soda
Replace soft drinks with sugar free iced tea or fruity water. Sodas contain excessive amounts of sugar causing weight gain, bloating and other health problems. Note that a can of soda contains about 140 calories and 12 pieces of sugar!

11. Bet on sunflower seeds
These seeds are rich in monounsaturated fatty acids, a type of healthy fat that targets belly fat and focuses on its breakdown. Remember to add some sunflower seeds in your salads for a flat stomach!

12. Make the board
The board is the most simple and effective exercise to get rid of the belly. Simply lie on your stomach and hold your body with the tip of your feet and elbows. Keep your back straight and contract the belly and buttocks. Hold this position as long as possible. Remember to do this exercise daily for visible results in just a few weeks!

13. Eat fish
Consume fish several times a week. Rich in omega-3 fatty acids, fish like salmon are very beneficial for health and help to lose belly and stimulate metabolism.
14. Tighten your stomach
During your chores or while walking, contract your abs to get rid of the belly and tone your muscles gradually.

15. Hydrate yourself!
Water consumption is essential for the proper functioning of the various processes of the body. Water also helps to drain toxins, burn fat and lubricate muscles and joints, especially during and after exercise.

16.And stop stress! 
When stressed, a hormone called "cortisol" is produced in large quantities. This hormone has the bad reputation of raising blood sugar levels. If our body does not need it, it will store it nicely in our abdominal belt! It is therefore necessary to relax and it passes in particular by the points evoked previously: a good food and a physical activity. You can also help Bach flowers, herbal teas, meditation, sophrology or simply spending more quality time alone or with loved ones. To each his way of relaxing!

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