12 ways backed by science to lose weight without a strict diet.

Following a strict diet is not the only way to lose weight. There are a few things that you can change in your lifestyle and eating habits that will help you lose more weight than you think.
What exactly should you do?

1.   Eat spicy food.

 Good news for everyone who loves spicy food.
Canadian scientists have proven that hot spices and spicy sauces increase metabolism and prevent us from eating anything sweet or salty.
 Now, you can put as much spicy ketchup on your piece of meat as you like. All of this is based on capsaicin, the element that gives chillies their strong flavors, which awakens our immune system and reduces our appetite.
You can sprinkle some red pepper on your scrambled eggs, pasta or rice. You can try to dip out your steak in a spicy sauce.
Now that does not mean that you should prepare spicy meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner because it will not provide any benefit to your system. Just strike a balance and abide by it.

2. Use a hair dryer

Guess what? Hair dryers are not only useful for drying the hair. You can equally use a hair dryer to lose weight.
You see, the heat makes you sweat by ridding your body of excess water. So, instead of torturing yourself at the gym, just take a hair dryer.
You can also prepare a warm compress with ginger for better results. All you need to do is boil a fresh ginger root in a saucepan, soak a washcloth inside the boiling ginger infusion, let it cool a bit and put the homemade compress on the specific area you want to shed. Do not forget to place another towel over the compress to maintain the heat.

3. Choose your plate wisely

Researchers at Cornell University have made some rather interesting conclusions about the effect your plate has on your eating habits.
They discovered that people are more likely to overeat if the color of their plate is the same or similar to the color of the food inside.
The same applies the other way round. We eat less when the colors of our plate and the food are extremely different.
According to scientists, eating in blue plates is the best option, given that products such as fish, meat and vegetables are of a different color. Moreover, the blue color is known to slow the heartbeat and suppress appetite.
Of course, this does not mean that all your plates should be blue from now on, just try to make sure that the colors of your plate and the food do not match.
This weird trick really works.

4. Eat cinnamon regularly

 If you love cinnamon, following this recommendation should not be a problem for you. And if you do not like cinnamon, you may change your mind when you find out what it could do for your waist size.
A study published in the “American Journal of Clinical Nutrition” found out that cinnamon can reduce hunger and suppress appetite when consumed daily. And that is because the elements in this spice destroy carbs.
During the experiment, participants who ate rice pudding with cinnamon were satiated for a longer period of time than those who had eaten cinnamon-free rice pudding.
Therefore, cinnamon can prevent overeating and gaining of weight. The proof is in rice pudding.

5. Turn on the lights and turn off the music

You might be surprised and perhaps a little annoyed to know that restaurants use very special ploys to make you eat more, and therefore spend more money.
Their two favorite tricks according to scientists at Cornell University are lighting and music. Combined, they can increase calorie consumption by 18%. The gentle lights relax you and stimulate your appetite. As for music, it makes you eat faster.
So try this little experiment, when you eat at home, your environment must be opposite to that of a restaurant; eat with bright lights and turn off the music. Believe me, you will be shocked by the results.

6. Do aerobic exercises

No matter how healthy you eat, incorporating some exercise into your life is essential if you want your body to feel good inside and out.
A study published in the “Journal of Applied Physiology” recommends doing more cardio activities such as running, jogging and swimming if you want to burn fat and lose weight.
However, there are some important nuances that you should keep in mind. Aerobic exercises are suitable for young and healthy people. But for older people, weight training is the best option as the effects are lighter and help them achieve better results.
So choose your training schedule according to your age and your fitness level. Follow it strictly and in a short while, you would be in total harmony with your new body.

7. Surround yourself with good people

Eating with someone you like or rather with someone you do not want to see are two different things. And it's also the same point of view of scientists.
Studies have proven that our meal companion has a huge impact on our eating habits. Experiments have shown that people tend to eat the same meal as their friends when they eat together. And it's great if your friends eat healthy!
But what if it’s not the case? Moreover, it is also known that if the person next to us eats quickly, we also increase the pace at which we eat. It is preferable, therefore, to be mindful of the people sitting next to us at the dining table. And if you know that someone is a huge fan of burgers and you're on a diet, try not to be tempted to go to the restaurant with him. Instead, suggest you go to the movies, to the park or at least to a restaurant that does not serve hamburgers. I'm sure your friend will understand.

8. Be concerned about your sleep

Do not underestimate the power of sleep. It affects more processes in your system than you think, and your weight is part of it as well.
It was found that the risk of being overweight often relies on the lighting of the room in which we sleep.
In their research, scientists found that people who slept in dark rooms were less prone to weight issues than those who slept in slightly bright rooms. That is why all electronic devices that emit light in your room should always be turned off at night.
The duration of your sleep also makes a big difference. In order not to gain weight, you must have about seven to eight hours of sleep a night. People who sleep less get hungry more quickly because of a hormonal secretion disorder.
So check your sleeping habits, and make the necessary changes.

9. Consume more dairy products

Dairy products really need to become your ally in your journey for a better physical condition and once again this claim is backed by science.
A professor of nutrition and medicine at the University of Tennessee confirms that people who consume dairy products three times a day are likely to lose weight muchfaster than those who do not.
The best dairy products for weight loss include: Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, fortified milk and hard cheese, among others. Add them to your personal menu and enjoy the results.

10. Eat more beans and legumes
In their research, scientists have proven that consuming 140 grams of beans reduces our appetite and helps us lose about 300 g of body weight in six weeks.
In addition, beans, peas, chickpeas and lentils contain a lot of protein and fiber, not to mention that the complex carbohydrates present in these products do not increase our blood sugar levels as fast as simple carbohydrates in bread do.
And if you're not used to eating a lot of beans or lentils, you should start with small amounts. Add beans to your soup, eat them instead of rice and potatoes or add cooked chickpeas in your salads.
Starting slowly does not prevent you from enjoying the positive effects.

11. Eat soup first

Studies have shown that eating soup before your main course reduces the number of calories you consume. And best of all is that the kind of soup does not matter. So choose the one you prefer. The main rule is that it should not contain more than 100 to 150 calories.
Try to stay below this limit given that overly rich soups can have the opposite effect. The best choice is any vegetable soup.

12. Monitor the room temperature

Scientists in Australia have made another interesting discovery that can help anyone facing difficulties with their weight.
According to their research, even the room temperature is significant when it comes to weight loss.
You see, there are two types of body fat: the bad white fats that like to accumulate and cling to our hips and belly, and the good brown fats that are in charge of burning the white fats and producing energy.
But to start this important process, the temperature of the room in which you spend most of your time should be low.
Experts suggest that the most suitable temperature is around 18 degrees Celsius.
So try this tip, as well as the others listed above, and you will finally be able to forget about strict diets once and for all.

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